On 10-Jan-2002 Angus Leeming wrote:

>> I really wouldn't bother spending your precious lyx hours on this
>> particular bug :)
> ;-) I'm not the only one irritated by current behaviour, me thinks!

Well yes ;), but the only really irritating stuff for me is loosing
charaters while typing. So if I type note<tab>

I get the selections:


Now if I type an 'i' the only thing happening is that the popup box closes
I would expect at least the the 'i' is also inserted in the minibox so that
I have there "note-i" (a). Then there are 2 more options for this:

1. We select the note-insert row so that when I press enter it is automatically
   invoced if it doesn't request more parameters!

2. (alternative) It is unique so close the box and put it into the minibuffer
   followed by a space (so one could continue to type eventual args).

For me (a) would be enough for now and (1) or (2) depends on the user (1)
seems maybe better and (2) is not an exclusive to (1) as it could be adapted
for (1) too as soon as we get a uniqe string (depends on your tastes).

Hope I did confuse you completely now :)


Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen           Web:     http://www.sad.it/~jug

We are all born mad.  Some remain so.
                -- Samuel Beckett

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