On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:

> R. Lahaye wrote:
> > I was wondering whether the Preferences/Conversion can already be
> > used to load directly Grace-format files (a 2D graphics package),
> > and have these converted to EPS (from where LyX can take over).
> > I tried but failed.
> getExtFromContents() returns "user" as ext when it's not
> a gif/tgif/eps/ps/pdf/jpg/xpm.
> Try it with this "file-format" and it should work.
> can you send me an example grace-file?

It looks like we'll be needing to do that much needed
InsetExternal+InsetGraphics merge about 20 minutes after we release
1.2.0pre1 given the current rate of requests.

Allan. (ARRae)

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