Herbert Voss wrote:
> I have no problem with
> \converter "user" "eps" "xmgrace -hardcopy -hdevice EPS $$i" ""

Neither have I. Thanks!!
Apparently I was not enough familiar with this type of conversion configuration.
It works fine now.

Are my following conclusions correct (I can't find help on the conversion

1) I cannot enter my own format as a new LyX format; like Grace (.agr files)
be entered as a new Grace-format, only as "user" format.
Apparently getExtFromContents() does not 'learn' from the Conversion table about
new formats and new extensions of files?

2) Since "user" can only be one entry in the conversion list, I can only define
one single conversion as my own. If I have Grace files conversion defined as
"user", there is no way to also define, for example, another conversion for
files. In other words, the following is not possible:

  \converter "user1" "eps" "xmgrace -hardcopy -hdevice EPS $$i" ""
  \converter "user2" "eps" "gnuplot -what_ever_option_to_EPS $$i" ""


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