
I'm running LyX CVS.

I was wondering whether the Preferences/Conversion can already be
used to load directly Grace-format files (a 2D graphics package),
and have these converted to EPS (from where LyX can take over).
I tried but failed.

I did following in Prefences/Conversion:

Add a new format in Formats-tab:
         Format   grace
         GUI name Grace
         Extension agr

Add Grace->EPS in Converters-tab:
         From      Grace
         To        EPS
         Converter gracebat -hdevice EPS $$i

For example

   gracebat -hdevice EPS myfig.agr

will produce


Nevertheless, I get an "Error converting" in the figure-square on
the canvas.

Is this feature not ready yet, or am I making a terrible mistake?

Something else:
The filebrowser in the graphics dialog seems to have a fixed
pattern of possible file extensions: "*.(ps|eps|png|jpeg|jpg|gif|gz)"

How about composing this pattern from the list of file extensions
in the converter list, since these are the loadable files?
This way I would get immediately "agr" added to the pattern list
when I add a Grace converter.


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