
just a few comments: I don't think that the current code is that 
unstable. I am using it for my daily work and while there are still some 
rough edges, stability is not the primary problem any more.

IMHO releasing an interim 1.1.7 (with coloured warnings printed all over 
the screen) is not a good idea. There is already an unstable version out 
there and it's called 1.1.6. Moreover, the next version will provide so 
many new and exiting features that it would be a pity if you cannot put 
  it on the market with a big bang!

What are the current open issues?

   - Undo/redo memory leaks/corruption
     That seems indeed to be a bigger problem
   - X Window problems
     Yes, they exist even with Xform 0.89.6. I get messages about
     "BadDrawable" and "Received unhandled X11 event". However,
     all these problem occurred only within the last few weeks so
     it should be possible to trace the problem by looking at the
   - Copying a figure into another document makes LyX crash
   - BufferView::removeAutoInsets is broken
   - pasting text from ERTs is broken

On the other hands, there are already a few fixes floating around:

   - Juergen V. has proposed a patch for ERTs
   - John has proposed another patch for ERTs and a related
     problem with tables

What happened to them???

After all, I think the situation is not as bad as it looks. 
Unfortunately, I cannot help you fixing the code but if you need more 
Purify reports, I become your servant. Maybe I can even activate a 
former collegue that helps us creating detailed bug reports.

Have a nice day,


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