
A former thread at this list has guided me through how
to use Grace files (2D-graphics package) as input files
for the Graphics/figure inset. Works great in LyX!!!

However, when I export my LyX file as LaTeX, the Grace
files are exported as figure files. When I then run latex
on this newly exported LaTeX file, it complains about the
unknown Grace filetype:

! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in /home/lahaye/figures/newfig.agr (no 

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.253 ...65]{/home/lahaye/figures/newfig.agr}


I suppose this is a general problem with the conversion mechanism
and exporting latex, isn't it?

Is there a general solution to this problem?
LaTeX can only handle (e)ps files, can't it?
An option could be to replace any file extension by "eps" and leave
it up the user to generate these eps files manually.
Or not leave that up to the user, but generate automagically also
the accompanying eps files using the conversion descriptions.

As it is now, the latex file is unusable.


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