On Friday 01 March 2002 12:27 pm, R. Lahaye wrote:
> Hi,
> A former thread at this list has guided me through how
> to use Grace files (2D-graphics package) as input files
> for the Graphics/figure inset. Works great in LyX!!!
> However, when I export my LyX file as LaTeX, the Grace
> files are exported as figure files. When I then run latex
> on this newly exported LaTeX file, it complains about the
> unknown Grace filetype:
> [...]
> ! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in 
/home/lahaye/figures/newfig.agr (no BoundingBox).
> See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>  ...                                              
> l.253 ...65]{/home/lahaye/figures/newfig.agr}
> ?
> I suppose this is a general problem with the conversion mechanism
> and exporting latex, isn't it?
> Is there a general solution to this problem?
> LaTeX can only handle (e)ps files, can't it?
> An option could be to replace any file extension by "eps" and leave
> it up the user to generate these eps files manually.
> Or not leave that up to the user, but generate automagically also
> the accompanying eps files using the conversion descriptions.
> As it is now, the latex file is unusable.

Maybe. Maybe the fault is with you.

You need to define also a converter from agr to eps. Have you done so?

Run -dbg graphics to see what lyx is doing.


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