On Friday 01 March 2002 12:48 pm, R. Lahaye wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > 
> > On Friday 01 March 2002 12:27 pm, R. Lahaye wrote:
> > >
> > > I suppose this is a general problem with the conversion mechanism
> > > and exporting latex, isn't it?
> > >
> > > As it is now, the latex file is unusable.
> > 
> > Maybe. Maybe the fault is with you.
> > 
> > You need to define also a converter from agr to eps. Have you done so?
> > 
> > Run -dbg graphics to see what lyx is doing.
> Now you are confusing me terribly!
> The one and only thing I actually have defined for my agr files,
> IS a converter from agr to eps. That's all I've got.

And you have a format definition too, right?

In my lyxrc.defaults I have

\Format grace    agr    GRACE           ""
\converter agr  eps "xmgrace -hardcopy -hdevice EPS $$i" ""

If you don't, then you should 
        cvs update
You shouldn't need to "make" anything.

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