John Levon wrote:
> Usability is not a linear function of the number of widgets. My
> suggestions are IMHO better for the following reasons :
> 1) the global don't display is far more discoverable and understandable
> 2) a combo box that only ever has two entries is logically a checkbox in
> most circumstances and definitely in this one (the per-graphics don't
> display)
> 3) it does not conflate two unrelated concepts (the fidelity of graphics
> reproduction, and whether to display it at all)

There could be an important disadvantage with the new setup.

Now, per-graph I can overrule the prefs display by selecting one of
Monochrome, Grayscale, and Color. One graph may be better visible in
Grayscale, another in Color (I experienced this myself!).

If the prefs sets the display mode for all graphs, and per-graph
I only can check a "do/don't display", I loose this flexibility
of selecting per-graph the best display mode.
So if a graph is not so nice visible in LyX, I have to change
the prefs, but that may affect another graph's visibility.

(With "better visible" I mean the quality it appears on the LyX canvas.)


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