Rob Lahaye wrote:

> ------------------------------------
> Preferences:
>     [x] Do/don't display
>     Display mode [________]

we have:  one click
you want: two clicks

> Graphics:
>     [x] Force display
> ------------------------------------
> The "Do/don't display" and "Force display" are checkbox toggles.
> The "Display mode" is a choice selector for "Grayscale|Monochrome|Color".

we have:  one click
you want: one click

> Does such a layout make everybody happy?

when I write a article/book then I do not know for some images
what kind of output (b/w - gray - color) maybe the best.
No problem with current lyx, I switch to different views
and decide "online" to what I will convert the image later.
or which one I have to create new.



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