On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 05:38:44PM +0000, John Levon wrote:
> minipage is 45% of column width. Minipage is inside a table column that
> we have just altered to have a fixed width of 2 inches. The width of
> this column dictates the minipage width which dictates the breaking of
> the cell which dictates the height of the minipage's row which dictates
> the height of the table which dictates the height of the float which
> contains the table which dictates the height of the outermost row.

So we'd just change the width.

Once the next redraw starts, the table column tells its child in the
metrics() phase that \textwidth is 2 inches. Minipage adjusts accordingly
and stores a width of 2 inches and whatever height it just determined. The
table column can figure out its height from that. The enclosing float
determines its size from the table.

There is no need whatsoever for the minipage to know that it is enclosed by
something, it will be told in due time about restrictions in the
environment it lives it (i.e. by saying textwidth=2 inches in the metrics

> Simpler example: inlined ERT. Its contents (changed when you type a
> character) need to size to the contents. Now you're about to say : "well
> the parent should enquire its child for its size in the first phase" ?
> That is essentially what is happening now !

So why do we see several updates per redraw?

Why does an inset communicate explicitly with its parent?


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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