On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 10:47:29AM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> Hah! The point is, the first phase fixes only the _size_, not the position.
> The position is not relevant for the computation of the size of the parent.

Not true: think about a non-special-cased insetnewline. Its position
directly affects the height of the cell. Now, currently, we don't have
the concept of an hfill-ing inset, but if we're going to do this
properly, the whole row breaking work has to become reworked as part of
this metrics() stuff. And this means rewriting an awful lot of code.

> I won't be able to spend any time on it during the next three weeks, though
> (first some conference and than a few days off...)

If you're willing to give things a go you can count on as much support +
patches as I can muster :)


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