On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 03:29:40AM +0100, Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:

> I actually hate the "new" behaviour in Qt... probably because I frequently 
> want to test stuff in the preamble. And I haven't been able to find a 
> shortcut for opening the preamble. "M-l d" gives me the document layout, 
> but I have to do several "Down" to get to the preamble... so I usually end 
> up using the mouse :-(

But if you leave it on the preamble screen, then M-l d takes you
directly to the preamble "tab", and even has the focus there.

> Is there an LFUN with an argument that I could bind to "M-l r" (as in 
> Xforms)?

No, but it wouldn't be hard to do.

> "Character"   Good and works as expected.
>    Principle: Controls appearance of the selected characters
>    Question:  What does "Auto Appply" do?

Auto-apply is a temporary hack in the attempt to make this a bit more
usable until we have character styles, in which case this will all be
completely different. It simply applies any change you make immediately.
Try it with "Underbar".

>    Suggestion:        Adding a temporary visual mark to the current paragraph, 
>               i.e. the one that will be affected would be nice.

I think so.

>    Comment:   I miss being able to do "M-l p", "M-n" to center a 
>               paragrah. Now it takes an extra key or two to do this.

A pity but we should really make this scriptable.

>               I'm not that fond of the tabbed approach, since I often 
>               end up using the mouse to switch between the tabs.

Nobody is fond of tabs, if it was possible then there would be no tabbed
dialogs in lyx *at all*.

>    Question:  What does "Keep space" do?

Makes the space you set happen even if the paragraph is at the top (or
the bottom) of a page etc.

>               Is there a keyboard binding (or LFUN) for switching tab?

Just use the accelerators, Alt-G for "General" tab etc.

>    Principle: The settings apply to the entire document, with the 
>               exception of the "Language"/"Quote Style" that change the 
>               "mode" of how the next quote will be inserted.
>    Suggestion:        I think "Quote Style" should be moved somewhere else, 
>               maybe as "Edit"->"Quote Style" or "Layout"->"Quote style"

Yes, it's the wrong place, but we don't really need a menu entry.
Something else needs figuring out - probably along with cahracter
styles, or something.

> "Document Settings"->Layout" - Minor inconsistency here.. in the list to 
>               the it says "Layout", but to the right "Document Style".
>    Suggestion:        Change "Layout" in the list to "Style"

This "title" should go altogether. I'll work on this soon.

>    Comment:   Maybe the section "Separation" should be relabelled as 
>               "Paragraph Separation"?

This box should be reworked considerably.

> "Document Settings"/"Paper" and "Margins"
>    Question:  I don't really understand why the settings "Two-column..." 
>               and "Two-sided..." where moved away from the "Style" 
>               settings....
>    Suggestion:        How about combining "Paper" and "Margins" into just one 
>               subdialog? And move the "Two-..." settings back to "Style"

Merging is not the right way to go. We should re-organize. The dialog
panels are large enough as they are.


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