Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | ???? I am talking about how LyX stores/outputs references to external
> | files. That is the only interaction I am interested in here.
> | 
> | Actually, what other interest does LyX have in files?
> We read them, we write them, we check if they are there, we iterate
> over directories, we search for files, we delete files, we delete
> directories. we move from relative to absolute paths and back again...

Then we are talking about another class entirely. I think that the two can 
co-exist quite happily but that this "class to interact with files" is 
entirely orthogonal to my suggested "class to store how LyX should output a 
filename having stored it internally with an absolute path".

> | If you want to implement the FileName class using boost::filesystem,
> | fine. But IMO that is an implementation detail.
> And I asked you to have a look... not more... it was dismissed as
> bloat...

Nooooo. I said that it would be bloat to use such a thing in this instance. 
For reasons that I hope are now clear.

> I am just getting tired of such comments... it does not matter that
> you only do it once, when everybody else does it once (or twice) as
> well...

Calm! The English drink tea for this reason. Of course, you foreigners have 
nothing worthy of the name so I suggest you go "Ommmmmmmmm" instead ;-)


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