So there you have it. They not only don't agree it's a disgusting,
unpleasant hack, they won't even let us turn it off.

Big Boo to Trolltech on this one.

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On Tuesday, 08. Jul 2003 12:40 John Levon wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:30:13AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > o it makes unwarranted assumptions about what menu items mean
> >
> > It does indeed make assumptions, if it finds the strings documented
> > in assumes to understand the intention.
> You don't agree that this is wrong ?

In practice, no. It seems to work on all applications we've tested (or
had reports from).

> > > o it does not work properly with dynamically generated menus
> >
> > How are they generated dynamically?
> Menu items are added at aboutToShow() time for a popup menu.

I see.

> > > o it cannot be disabled
> >
> > It can be via a DEFINE (if you compile Qt with
> > QMAC_QMENUBAR_NO_MERGE) it will be disabled.
> I'm sure I don't need to explain to you that asking users to recompile
> Qt is unlikely to be a sensible option :)

Unfortunetely this will be the solution you will need to use to disable

> > > At the very least, I would expect the last to be possible. It's
> > > actually breaking our application :(
> >
> > In what way is it breaking an application?
> Dynamic menus mean the user has to go to oour "Tools" menu, for the
> Prefs item to be moved around, then to the application menu to
> actually get to the moved Prefs item. If they don't go to Tools, it
> isn't available, since the adding of the Prefs item hasn't happened.

I see. This doesn't sound real good, but alas I think your best option
is to place the preferences item into the tools menu upon creation.

> You didn't answer my request for an API to turn this mangling of the
> menus off ??

I can add it to a TODO list, however a change like this will not likely
to go into the 3.2.0 release (meaning it will not be changed for a few


> regards
> john

Trolltech AS, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, NO-0175 Oslo, Norway

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