On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> Christian Ridderström wrote:
> > Similarly, right clicking on one of the first three types of notes allows
> > you to change the type to one of the first three, but not to margin- or
> > footnote...
> >
> > Is there a reason for the above, or is just that it hasn't been done yet?
> This has been extensively discussed on this list (you'll find in the 
> archives).

Thanks, I'll have a look tomorrow and see what I find.

> The main (technical) reason is: they are different types (comments vs. 
> environments). A note/comment/greyedout inset can contain all up to a whole 
> subdocument, while a footnote/margin has only limited possibilities.
> How should we change a comment to a margin note if it only contains a heading, 
> say a whole chapter? It's impossible.

How about putting the heading inside a comment? 

Here's an example of how it could work. At first we have this comment:

        [Section] This is a section
        Here is some text.
        [SubSection] This is a subsection
        Some more text

Then the comment is converted into a margin note:

        [Lyx Note]
                [Section] This is a section
        Here is some text
        [Lyx Note]
                [SubSection] This is a subsection
        Some more text

This wouldn't allow us to convert the margin note back into a comment 
note, unless a special flag was set for the newly created Lyx Notes 
(saying that it will remove itself if the parent is converted into a type 
of environment that can handle anything.)

Anyway, this was just an idea. I'm not sure this is worth the effort just 
for converting between comments and margin notes. Could it be useful for 
other stuff? 


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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