On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 10:43:28AM -0800, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> The math mode seems to work again (no superscript crash) --- I have
> not tested extensively.
> I noticed the following:
> 1) selection does not seem to be giving visual feedback (i.e. I can position
>    the cursor and then do SHIFT-down-arrow and BACKSPACE to delete some
>    text, but the selection is not highlighted).
> 2) Clicking on some insets still seems to crash. I have a small example file
>    attached. Click on the footnote. LyX crashes.

I'd like to get the stuff unrelated to coordinate handling (i.e. no
mouse, no up/down) fixed first. Debugging the coordinate stuff tends to
be a pain if the rest is not sufficiently robust.


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