Am Montag, 10. Mai 2004 15:49 schrieb Angus Leeming:
> That said, I'm interested in how you see this all working in an ideal 
> design. My picture of how this will work in the future is that we 
> should separate the 'generation of the exported files' step from the 
> 'export the latex to file' step. That way we'll be able to run all 
> the conversion steps asynchronously and then receive a signal that 
> all is ready to run the latex compiler. (Or not, so don't try etc.)

I did not much think about an ideal design, but it should be easy to adapt 
the collection and passing around of the 'external files list' to such a 
design. Error handling (concerning files in the external and graphics 
inset) needs definitely some work too.

> It seems to me that what you are describing is that Export should no 
> longer be thought of as a simple '1 file' to '1 file' conversion 
> process. Instead it is a 'many files' to, possibly, many files 
> conversion process. That being the case, it might well end up easiest 
> if you try and model what is really going on.

Yes and yes.

> Just some thoughts.

Thanks, I'll think about it.


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