On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 10:46:58AM +0200, Chris Karakas wrote:
> Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 19.10.04 22:15:29:
> > 
> > IMHO if a user can modify his SGML declaration he can as well edit layout 
> > files. The nonexpert user will just use what is there: the standard SGML 
> > declaration and the standard layout file, and they should match. If e.g. 
> > SuSE decide to ship a modified SGML declaration, we can as well expect 
> > that they ship a modified layout file.
> > 
> The non-expert user will use underscores in his labels and will not be amused 
> to see that they were transformed to something else without warning.
> Ah...Warning!
> How about a warning, to be output when LyX exports the file to DocBook?
> Something like:
> About to export to DocBook...done
> Warning: Character "_" in label "my_label" was transformed to dash: "my-label".
> To leave "_" untouched, change the value of CNAME in xyz.layout.file to include "-".

  I forgot to say this in my previous message. I'm in favour of warning
display, with some small differences from what you say. We are getting
there. ;-)

  Notice that it is not that simple. It is not enough to change the layout
file. I propose to emit a warning if CNAME is different from the default and
from "".

  You have to modify the SGML declaration file also.
  Also I will add a section about this to the LyX-Docbook FAQ. If some is
puzzeled then that will be the first place to search. :-)

  It is always a matter of compromise.

  The funny part is that are pushing for the advanced users, but with some
of your transformation scripts, this will work of the box for any user. I
propose to let the curious user to know how to become advanced using the
documentation, not the gui.

> > > It all boils down to the question: do we do this through a dialog that 
> > will 
> > > manipulate the layout file, or do we expect the user who has such wishes 
> > to 
> > > be knowledgeable enough to know what he is looking for and start
> > > tweaking the CNAME variable in some obsure file.
> > 
> > Of course this should be documented. And who said that a graphical editor 
> > for layout files is a bad thing?
> > 
> I agree. How about this:
> Do it with the CNAME thing today, but add a Warning as above
> for every label that was changed. 
> Then add a "to do" item in the list of things to be done:
> Program a graphical editor for layout files.

  That is fair.

> That's general enough and would take care of all such cases where
> the developers would rather have something done through a change in
> the layout file and the users would rather tweak some option in a
> graphical dialog.
> Then, for every change that is done by LyX (in labels, names, whatever),
> add a Warning that says what LyX did and that the user can change it
> by using the graphical layout editor.

  As thing to put in my todo list, it is acceptable, but I have more urgent
tasks now such as integrate your scripts. :-)

> -- 
> Regards
> Chris Karakas
> http://www.karakas-online.de

José Abílio Matos
LyX and docbook a perfect match. :-)

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