On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 06:00:50PM +0100, Angus Leeming wrote:
> > Angus, could you add this file to the repository?
> I'm perfectly happy to, but will wait on Jean-Marc's or Lars' say so.
> (Guys, I'm not proposing that the script be used or even distributed with
> LyX 1.4.0.)

I don't think there's any harm in adding it to CVS. Without an explicit
change in the Makefile.am's, it wont't be included in the "make dist"

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

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