On Thursday 15 September 2005 20:58, Bo Peng wrote:
> Dear list,
> Attached is a Python version of the configure script. I currently do
> not have access to a windows machine with lyx on so I can not test it
> on windows. On my linux machine, it produces identical lyxrc.default
> and doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx but no further testing/proof-read of the code
> has been done.

  World is a small place, really. I have seen your contributions around 
several places lately (R, rpy, ...) :-)

  What is the minimum required python version for your script?
  As Angus said we are still aiming to python 1.5.2 compatibility, not 
something that I like but something necessary to deal with older systems.

  This is probably archaic as one of the last linux distributions to carry 
python 1.5.2 was Red Hat 7.3 release released in May 2002.

  Another option would be to update the requirements of python for lyx 1.4.x 
for x>0.

José Abílio

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