>   World is a small place, really. I have seen your contributions around
> several places lately (R, rpy, ...) :-)

Well, I make a living on python, r, rpy and lyx. I make contributions
only to make my own life easier. :-)

>   What is the minimum required python version for your script?
>   As Angus said we are still aiming to python 1.5.2 compatibility, not
> something that I like but something necessary to deal with older systems.

mkstemp is used for the cygwin path detection, which is new to python
2.3. popen is used but "it is not stable under windows prior to python
2.0". mkstemp can be easily replaced by using explicit temp file name
but someone has to run the script with python 1.5.2 to tell the
compatibility of other parts.


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