Em Qui 02 Mar 2006 07:31, Angus Leeming escreveu:
> João Luis Meloni Assirati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > * if LyX were able to talk to xdvi through the lyxclient interface,
> > > then we wouldn't have to keep creating a new xdvi process in "client"
> > > mode each time I click in the LyX window which is what happens now.
> >
> > No. We don't create a new xdvi process each time we click in the lyx
> > window. View -> DVI remains the only way to start a new xdvi process.
> > Forward search means that this new xdvi will start at the right page.
> > What occours now is that xdvi is called with the option
> Sorry to be pedantic, but from LyX's point of view that's "creating a new
> xdvi" isn't it? I.e., your "xdvi is called" is my 'system("xdvi option1
> option2");'. Or, eventually, when system() is consigned to the waste bin of
> history we'll be using fork() and 'execvp("xdvi", ["xdvi", "option1",
> "option2", 0]);'
> What xdvi itself does with this is a separate matter. (Whether a whole new
> and fully-functional instance of xdvi is created or whether the newly
> created process just posts the new info to an existing, running xdvi client
> for it to update its data.)

You are right.

I was trying to say that forward search is not as interactive as inverse 
search. In inverse search, you can scroll xdvi up or down and control-click 
in the xdvi window to make lyx search the corresponding text. In forward 
search, you have to scroll to the desired point in the lyx window then call  
View -> DVI. There is no interface like "control-click in the lyx window to 
get xdvi to jump to the desired location". That is a cool idea, though.

> Anyway, the whole discussion is just for my academic interest, so don't let
> my pedantry bother you :)

It won't!

> > There is also a high level tool to communicate with xdvi, which is xdvi
> > itself (i.e., there is no xdviclient; instead, xdvi itself can work in
> > client mode). It communicates with another running xdvi not through a
> > socket like we do, but through something called "X properties", a native
> > xwindow message passing protocol (the same way emacsclient and 'mozilla
> > -remote' do
> > (http://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html)).
> Interesting. Thanks. FWIW it appears that Windows apps tend to use a
> similar technique to prevent multiple instances of an app from running
> simultaneously.

The network transparency of Xwindow system sometimes makes this feature 
confusing. For example, if you want to have two mozillas runing in the same 
display, one runing locally and the other runing on another computer, you 
have to avoid this mechanism. I've been through this.

> > Beautiful. You are a coruja ("owl") like we say in Brazil, meaning a very
> > proud and loving dad (applies to a mom, too)  :).
> Less loving this morning as the wee bugger kept us up all night for no good
> reason. Pushing at boundaries already :)

I wish you a better night today :).

> Angus


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