Joost Verburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > I'm still mulling over what to do with aspell. If we go for aspell 0.6 
> > then it looks like I'll have to supply the dictionaries too. Would make 
> > Kevin Atkinson happy :)

> I just tested the new Aspell. Version 0.6 works fine and more recent 
> dictionaries are available compared to 0.5, so I'd prefer the new one :)

> These dictionaries do need to be compiled (it looks like it generates 
> .rws files) since the only precompiled dictionaries available are 
> totally outdated.

Hi, Joost.

can you confirm that the new flavours of LyX compiled with aspell 0.6 work too?

> I compiled a few of them and it only seems to take a few seconds for 
> each dictionary. So it should not be too difficult to compile them all, 
> I guess a shell script could do the job (download, extract, make) 
> automatically.

If you take on the task and mail Kevin so that he can make these things
available to the wider world, then you'll be doing us all a great service.

I see that these dictionaries are packaged up in an installer on Windows. Did
you try that out too?


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