Martin Vermeer a écrit :
On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 09:52 +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
"Martin" == Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Martin> Shouldn't be too hard. Already sectioning commands for XML
Martin> contain a CommandDepth parameter. This could be used on the
Martin> LaTeX side too.
We have TocLevel for numbered sections.
Martin> output_docbook contains a routine to search forward to the
Martin> next same-depth-or-shallower sectioning command. Grabbing
Martin> those paragraphs and moving them as a block up or down should
Martin> be simple (and inexpensive after Abdel's paragraph patch)
The problem is to avoid displaying the non-header-paragraphs in the
What would be _much_ easier however is to make this possible through
the ToC dialog. Does anybody know how this worked in KLyX?
Sure... but you still need to implement the underlying operations.
Looking at TOC, it seems that we just have to add some more operations
to ToCItem in toc.[Ch]. And buttons to the dialog.
I have plans to make the Qt4 Toc dialog a dock widget instead of a
windows and transform that into an outlining tool. IMHO, no need to do
that within the lyx buffer view. My idea is to enable the user to move
sections and their subsections around with the mouse or the keyboard.
The buffer view would be updated automatically.
I would like also to add automatic labeling to sections and the ability
to change those directly in the Toc Dialog.
All this would need a few additionnal LFUN as suggested by Andre
Poetnitz in a former discussion in lyx-user. Andre thinks that it could
be done in a couple of hundred lines of Qt code at most (I agree with him).
(Did klyx have outlining? That confirms that it cannot be so hard.)
- Martin