Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Georg Baum a écrit :
> > Am Freitag, 17. März 2006 22:14 schrieb Kayvan A. Sylvan:
> >> On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 08:29:28PM +0100, Georg Baum wrote:
> >>> Kayvan, are you listening? Why did you introduce this option also for 
> >>> cygwin?
> >> I think this was related to trying to compile for QT/Cygwin. If we can
> >> compile for QT on Windows without this, then I am all for removing it.
> > 
> > This is the case according to Enrico and Abdel. I am going to commit the 
> > attached patch to trunk unless somebody objects.
> Great!

Abdel, Georg is removing the switch only for the cygwin compiler
not mingw. However, if you use the cygwin compiler with -mno-cygwin
I think you will get rid of it, as the host will qualify as cygwin...

Let me check. I'll apply the patch and run autogen.sh...

Confirmed. After running configure I get:

  Host type:                      i686-pc-cygwin
  Special build flags:            compression  use-aspell
  C   Compiler:                   gcc -mno-cygwin 
  C   Compiler LyX flags:          
  C   Compiler flags:              -I/c/MinGW/include  -O2
  C++ Compiler:                   g++ -mno-cygwin (3.4.4)
  C++ Compiler LyX flags:          -fno-exceptions
  C++ Compiler flags:              -I/c/MinGW/include  -O2
  Linker flags:                   
  Linker user flags:              -L/usr/local/qt-win32/lib  -lqt -lkernel32 
-luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid 
-limm32 -lwinmm -lwsock32 -lwinspool -L/c/MinGW/lib
  Qt Frontend:
      Qt version:               3.3.5
  Packaging:                      windows
  LyX binary dir:                 C:/Programmi/LyX-1.4.0/bin
  LyX files dir:                  C:/Programmi/LyX-1.4.0/Resources

Configuration of LyX was successful.
Type 'make' to compile the program,
and then 'make install' to install it.

This is interesting. I'll try to compile for a mingw target without the
-mms-bitfield switch and see what happens... I bet nothing ;-)


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