>>>>> "Bo" == Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The patch will not change that, I overlooked this problem. This
>> certainly needs discussion: Do we really want View->XYZ entries for
>> lots of formats that no user uses? Imagine a user who has no DVI
>> viewer and does not want one. Why should he have View->DVI? I think
>> the suggested canOpen() function is not too bad.

Bo> The basic ones, dvi/ps/all pdfs are certainly needed, and I do not
Bo> think view->... is now over-crowded.

Bo, I thought again about that, and I do not think I agree with you.
Can you think of a single case where the user has a real windows
application to view a format and this format is not declared in
windows already?

I do not think people should be encouraged to change from within LyX
something that is actually a global windows setting.

>> I don't think so, since 1.4 should keep the 1.3 compatibility code
>> for reading the rc file. You have to ask Jean-Marc if you want a
>> definite answer.

I have to look at Georg's patch first.

Bo> Then, I am afraid that our patches do not overlap. I have to do
Bo> something to configure.py, despite your patch, and go ahead.

We'll see what the best solution is, but anyway I do not think the
"auto" patch is the way to go.


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