Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Angus> Hmmm. How does your example differ from mine?

Angus> char const * using_this_returned_value_is_undefined_behaviour()
Angus> {
Angus>   char const * cdata = std::string("data").c_str();
Angus>   return cdata;
Angus> }

Angus> The lifetime of std::string::c_str() is no longer than the lifetime of
Angus> std::string...

Angus> How does QByteArray overcome that?

Abdel> It's not QByteArray specifically but char * instead of char const *. 
Abdel> AFAIK, char * is a C-string and the temporary allocated memory will stay 
Abdel> allocated for that C-string if the temporary object disappear.
Abdel> This is not true when you use a char const *.
Abdel> "char *" is a strange hybrid beast in C and by extension in C++.
Abdel> Now, this is perhaps non standard but I am quite sure this will work 
Abdel> with gcc and VC++. I could be wrong on ll the line though...

LOL! I think You are. You've confused this with "const &"

        std::string normal_lifetime = std::string("boring");
        std::string const & the_same_lifetime_as_boring = std::string("boo");
        // The compiler won't allow this...
        std::string & an_illegal_binding = std::string("ahh");


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