Dear all,

If nothing happens with scons in the next couple of days, I am going
to remove it from trunk.

Since when have you become so time-conscious? May I ask again ....?

<Quote, 5 days ago>
We are getting closer, I think. I still have to find time to make up
my mind about non/auto/"".

Patience ;)

I just submitted another patch. With it, one can
0. scons directly under linux + lyx qt3/qt4 ... (state of yesterday)
1. scons directly using mingw + lyx qt3/4 + official zlib1.dll in a
visible place
2. scons in a native cygwin, cygwin/qt3, cygwin/boost, cygwin/zlib etc.

For the last case, however, although native cygwin libz is present,
the linker asks for official zlib1.dll. Enrico, could you please
investigate this issue? To link successfully, you will need to get the
last command (copy/paste from screeen or scons_lyx.log), add
/path/to/zlib1.dll to the end, and build again. I notice that linking
under cygwin/qt3 is much quicker than mingw/qt3.

With some tweak regarding spell checkers and a few other libraries
(maybe also pch), and some scons install capacity, this will be a
totally usable. I hope this will earn scons a place in the trunk.

BTW, much of my time has been wasted on the .C/.c madness under
windows. Although scons has overcomed this problem, can we make a
quick decision regarding the name change? After all, it is only "find
... svn rename .... grep .. perl -pi.bak" away. If you
are worrying about backporting, let us do it on 1.4.x as well.


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