And you clearly showed that you had no patience.

I heard that French people have >130 days of paid leave?

It is not basic building I worry about. It is things like distcheck,
gettext, pch, warnings, stdlib-debug, install, stage-dir etc. etc.
that I worry about.

These will be added on a one by one basis. The advantage of scons is
that (almost) anyone can read SConstruct and add the feature he wants.
I *will not* add every single feature that autotools have now.

I see no or littel support for these in scons, so _you_ have to show
that it can be done. (and not that that compiler args vary between
compiler versions, not just between compiler brands)

No. I have no intention, as of now, to replace autotools with scons.
All I need is a quicker and more flexible method to build lyx for my
own lyx coding. I have shown some advantages of scons over autotools
under linux, and Abdel will surely show you more gains under windows.
That is currently enough for us.

Totally usable is not good enough. It must handle the same problems as
autotools does. I am not saying that this must be done promtly, but at
least it must be shown that it can be done.
(and without creating something that is just as complex as auto*)

Doing all these "scons dist" stuff, as I have said before, is
possible. There are code everywhere (even at the end of but since scons is standardizing these features. It is
much wiser to wait.

| BTW, much of my time has been wasted on the .C/.c madness under
| windows.

You mean "The Windows madness"...

You may rightly say so.


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