
I am trying the LyX (2.0.5) tutorial and have the same problem
 with the 
"reference on page" functionality not working.
 It acts exactly the same as 
"reference" alone and does not add page info.
 The "page" option alone works fine.

I am on Windows Vista and have tried the "Tools->Reconfigure" option
 both running 
the programme default and running it as administrator and restarting afterwards 
in each case.
 However it is still not fixed.

Any other suggestions for things to try?
 I am enjoying LyX and the tutorial so 
far and looking into it as an option for my PhD thesis.
 (There doesn't appear to 
be a thesis template or document class in my installation; I'm assuming the 
class is the way to go?)



P.S. Apologies for odd formatting. Struggling with the following submit error:

The following errors were found. Fix them, and submit again:
You have lines longer than 80 characters. Fix that.

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