> Well, I was going to have a look at it, since counting the total
> number of words in a document should not be too difficult, and then
> James message made me think again: either I implement a full blown
> word counter which counts separately footnotes, sections appendices,
> number of time the letter 'f' is used, number of occurences of the
> word 'the', number of times bold+italics is used in the document,
> either people will be unhappy with the feature. So I guess you'd better
> stick with using spellchecking for now :) 

No! Please do a simple word count! People may want more, but having a
simple word count is *much* better than nothing.

The rest can be implemented later, and fairly simply: what's needed is:

1. Count all words
2. Word-count in current selection.
3. Count number of occurrences of search-and-replace selection.

3 is the most powerful as it takes advantage of search-and-replace, and
whatever functionality you add to that will automatically be added to the
rest. I've never used it in my text editor anyway, only 1 & 2.

There are other things one might want, such as only word-counting certain
environments, but that needn't worry you for now.

http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rrt1001/ | maxim, n.  wisdom for fools

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