Hello Herbert,

Thank you very much for your instructions to modify the miniscript:
> /usr/bin/bibtex $1"1.aux"
> /usr/bin/bibtex $1"2.aux"
> /usr/bin/bibtex $1"3.aux"
> /usr/bin/bibtex $1"4.aux"
> ... usw

Now the script works excellent and everything is fine -- bibtopic works
with LyX !!!

I modified the script by myself a little bit:

1.) I added a bibtex run without the bibtopic extensions (on file.aux without
the numerical extensions), so that the script can handle other files with
"normal" bibliographies (without the use of bibtopic). I tested the script with
non-bibtopic files and there were no problems. Bibtopic by itself suppresses
the standard bibliography environment (it doesn't use file.aux)

2.) I left the ".aux" extensions, because you don't need them.

So the miniscript to use bibtopic with LyX (saved as "bibtex" in ~/bin) looks
like this (for four bibliography topics):

/usr/bin/bibtex $1                    %% -- starts bibtex <file>
/usr/bin/bibtex $1"1"                %% -- starts bibtex <file1>
/usr/bin/bibtex $1"2"                %% -- starts bibtex <file2>
/usr/bin/bibtex $1"3"                %% -- ...
/usr/bin/bibtex $1"4"

Well. I'm very grateful to your help - Thanks again!
Now I don't have to miss LyX --- by far the best document processing tool I ever
used --- for my work :-)

Best wishes,


P.S.: I changed to English again and added some explains about our discussion,
because I sent a copy to the LyX mailing list --- maybe there will be other
users who want to use the excellent bibtopic package for their bibliography. 

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