Joakim Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all LyX users,
> I need your help hints,ideas,howto knowledge.
> 1. I am running debian unstable and will probably install
>    the LyX version that is in there (currently lyx 1.1.5fix2-1)
>    Or I can probably be talked into compiling myself if needed.

It works fine (woody), no need to compile yourself.

> 3. Is there any templates for a4 usage. And how do I create my own
>    template. For example I want a template without headers, a template
>    with side numbers, a template with graphical header etc

Set up the parameters from the menu or in the resp. LaTeX preamble,
and save your document in ~/.lyx/templates/, from where it will be
sourced as template from then on.

> 4. I would like to be able to create ps,pdf and html output. How can I do
>    that in a consistent way.

Choose from the menu; setup is to be found in ~/.lyx/lyrc, which
overrides /etc/lyxrc (debian)

> 7. What else should I install and what can be done in the config files to
>    make my LyX as good as possible on a debian system.

Do apt-cache searches for tetex, ps, and dvi; install at least
everything with tetex in its name. Set up a custom tree in
/usr/local/share/, and install eventually missing LaTeX stuff there.

> That was lots of questions. The basic idea is to install and configure a
> nice document writing program that will let me write mails, posters,
> documents etc and to be able to get the output in ps,pdf and maybe html
> format. And also I need hints on howto work with pictures inside LyX and
> howto make high quality annotations to them.
> I would also like the screen output to be as good as it gets. This is not
> too important though but with the ttf ability nowadays this should be
> possible.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Best regards
> Joakim Svensson

You're welcome! I can send you my setup files if you want. You
wouldn't only get ps and pdf (and maybe rtf) with 1.1.5fix2
automagically, but could also (e)fax from within LyX.

Andre Berger                                [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

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