On Sun, 24 Dec 2017 12:47:51 -0800 (PST)
Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

> Grahame,
>    And that's one of the reasons we run F/OSS software: choices.
> There are always multiple ways of accomplishing any task.

Quoted For Truth! The absolute truth!

Choice and DIY-ability (which is another aspect of choice) is the
major reason I use F/OSS. Before getting involved in F/OSS in 1998, I
used to pay about $2K per year for software, and I had no problem doing
so. With most of my proprietary software, I got my money's worth and

But you had to do everything the software's way. You couldn't
shellscript everything into exactly what you wanted. Often you couldn't
add or change features. And all too often, native formats were secret
binary that you couldn't mess with.

Now I create my UMENU2 lightning fast menu system with tab indented
outlines made in VimOutliner.  I put tokens in a LyX file and run a
Python program against it to get the exact heading numbers I want in
my trainer instruction document. I have a diploma, made in Inkscape,
whose .svg contains tokens so that I can fill out a YAML file and print
diplomas for the whole class, with each student's name, the instructor
name, dates, course name, and company name. Scripts personalize my LyX
files with the customer's name. A script reads my Gnumeric book order
file, deduces which books are print instead of eBooks, and prints
mailing labels in the proper fonts for mailing. 

To me, this customization opportunity to implement my choice of
workflow and product is what makes F/OSS so wonderful.


Steve Litt 
December 2017 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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