On 03/04/2019 08:53, Baris Erkus wrote:
On 02-Apr-19 1:45 PM, Daniel wrote:

In the attached document the list structure in the work area is shown as

i. MyEnumerate
     (a) Enumerate

but the output is actually

i. MyEnumerate
     1. Enumerate

I seem unable to figure out how to tell LyX that my custom enumerate
(as set in the Local Layout and Preamble) is different from the
standard one and hence the counting should restart when changing

I thought LyX would figure out what I want by seeing that the
LatexName or LabelCounter differs from the standard enumerate
environment but that does not do the trick.

Is there an additional setting I miss, or is it a shortcoming of LyX?


AFAIK:{You need to use ERT in the "Enumarate Opitons" of LyX, and tell
LaTeX to restart or resume numbering by yourself. Otherwise LyX does not
have a direct option to do that.}

I guess that is a misunderstanding. I want LyX to show what LaTeX does not the other way around. (See my answer to Paul.)


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