Am Donnerstag, dem 29.02.2024 um 08:51 +0100 schrieb Adrian Kieß:
> I too want to report the in the message below mentioned regression.
> I have a long LyX document, which still works in LyX 2.3 when I save
> to
> the LyX 2.3 format and open the document on NetBSD with Lyx 2.3.
> Trying to compile the document to PDF (pdflatex) whith LyX 2.4-RC3 on
> Debian/testing fails.
> The errors are the following:
> Paragraph ended before \@newl@bel was complete.
> Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
> LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
> Reference undefined

This sounds like a different bug.

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