On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 05:33:22PM +0100, Crlfr wrote:
> Hello everybody.
> This is my first e.mail to the LyX users ML.
> Only about one month ago I installed on my "not new" PC GNU/Linux, Mandrake
> 8.1 Distribution.
> I need LateX. So, LyX  was advised to me as the fastest and simply way to
> write LateX documents. In the meantime I have been reading "the tutorial",
> something from "the user guide"and something from "the not so short
> introduction to LateX".
> However,  I am stopped on some problem:
> 1) I need the references section in the form summarized by the following
> examples:
> Bass, L. (1966). Economics of Nondestructive Testing. Annul Technical
> Conference Trasactions, ASQC, pp. 611-615.
> Hans, B.L. (1963). Quality control: Theory and Applications. Prentice-Hall,
> Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
> ....and so on...
> So no label is present beside each item.
> I have to be able to refer to those item in the article , as Bass (1966) and
> as Hans (1963) respectively.
> How can I do this by LyX?

If I understand correctly, what you need to do is to add
to the preamble, and use plainnat as the bibliography style.
The other solutions given to you were wrong.

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