On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 06:46:02PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> >4) When I insert the title and the author name it is
> >automatically added also the date. I don't want it. How can I
> >delete it?
> Press Ctrl-Space which will produce an blue empty space, and
> set its style as "Date" from the tool bar.

Well, this is probably the best advice for beginners, but it
introduce huge gap between title and body of text. The better
advice is to look in the article.cls (or scrartcl.cls, or
something else -- the class of document you use), find definition
of \maketitle, and then redefine it without date. It is not so
bad as you would expect it to be. For example for scrartcl
('article [Koma-Script]' in Layout/Document dialog box), the new
command to be add to Layout/LaTeX preamble is just:

    {\sectfont\huge \@title \par}%
  \vskip 2em}

(you may reconsider what kind of size you want for the title --
default \huge is probably inappropriate for just simple document;
either delete \huge at all, or use something smaller like \large)

        Happy LyXing!


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