John Levon wrote:
> On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 07:31:19PM -0400, Max Bian wrote:
>>1. The pasted text is selected by default.  This is no good because 
>>another key stroke will replace it.
> This is intended and IMO opinion correct behaviour. Why do you think
> there is a problem ?

It is a problem because after the paste people would be assumed to be 
done with the pasted part. And people should move on to do something 
else. However they would need to clear the selection first if that 
"feature" is there before they can do anything. For example, I want to 
insert a space after the pasted text, I need to first unselect it and 
then type space otherwise the selected text is cleared!  If you check 
other editors, the most common behavior is "unselect after paste".

>>2a. The "Do not show graphics" in the preferences is not honored.
> If you set an override in the graphics, it will over ride the general
> prefs. This again is intended and correct IMO.

What it means is that the preference in the preference dialog is 
useless. This is more like a design flaw than a feature.  A better way 
is like this: A "no" in general pref means absolutely no; a "yes" in 
general pref means "dependent on the pref in the graphics".

>>2b. When converted from earlier  version, not shown figures become shown 
>>as default. Bugs in the converter?
> Cannot reproduce - it works for me. Small testcase please.

The problem is this:  Suppose the show-graph pref in that graph produced 
with lxy1.16 is "Do not display...".  When openning with lyx1.20, the 
behavior is different dependent on the graphics setting in the general 
preferences: if it is setting like "display in color", all the graphics 
will be shown regardless of the individual settings!  if it is "do no 
display" in the general preference, it will not shown as inteded (in 
each of the graphes).When converting from old (218) version to new 
version (220), lyx1.2 ignores the individual pref settings!   Please 
note, this is against the logic you presented!

>>3. A toggle switch that does "show/hide" all graphics will be very 
>>useful. I do not mean to close/or open the floats, I mean render or not 
>>render the graphics in the open floats.
> Yes, maybe ...

This implementation is not needed if the reference setting I described 
in 2a is used.

>>4. The graphics conversion takes too much CPU!  A way to cap the CPU 
>>usage is useful.
> Why ? Which xforms version / convertor are you using ? Try using the
> netpbm tools instead, if you're using convert

Why?  I have tens of eps graphics in the paper.  I am using xforms 0.89. 
  What are the netpbm tools?

It took so much CPU that the keyboard and mouse stopped responding for 
over 5 minutes. My computer is PII366 w/ 128M, if that matters.

>>5. Page-up and page-down key not working if the courser is inside a float.
> If you mean you can't exit the float with page up/down, this is a known
> bug.

Addition, the scroll-mouse seems not working either.

>>6. Footnote in the section heading is not working any more. Worked in 
>>1.16fix4 and prior versions.

Already solved.

> Works perfectly for me - testcase please
>>7. Mouse selection too difficult to use.  If I try to select lines of 
>>texts and figures, the scrolling will be so fast that I cannot stop at 
>>the end point easily. Means of marking start and stop point to make a 
>>selection or "distance-out-of-bounds" scrolling speed variation is 
>>useful.  The last part means the scrolling speed will vary during a 
>>selection scrolling: depends on how far the mouse is out of the bonds, 
>>the farther the faster the scrolling...
> Yes, we should have variable scrolling like this. As a work around,
> using the keyboard for selection is much better for this problem

Keyboard selection?  I guess it is time to re-read the documents.

> regards
> john

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