On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 03:02:24PM -0400, Ronald Florence wrote:
> Max Bian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>1. The pasted text is selected by default.  This is no good because 
> > >>another key stroke will replace it.
> > > 
> > > This is intended and IMO opinion correct behaviour. Why do you think
> > > there is a problem ?
> > 
> > It is a problem because after the paste people would be assumed to be 
> > done with the pasted part. And people should move on to do something 
> > else. However they would need to clear the selection first if that 
> > "feature" is there before they can do anything. 
> I agree with Max.  The misbehavior of LyX after pasting is the single
> most annoying feature of what is otherwise my favorite document
> processor.  After pasting, it should be possible to immediately edit
> the inserted material without having it suddenly disappear and require
> multiple presses of the <undo> key to get it back.  

Not that LyX development is a democracy (more like a benevolent dictatorship),
but I also concur.

King Lars, what say you?


Kayvan A. Sylvan
Sylvan Associates, Inc.

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