Daniel Clark/Cambridge/IBM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| I think what maybe I didn't explain well enough is that $Log$ expands to 
| multiple lines, and CVS takes anything before $Log$ as the language's 
| comment character. So the suggestions you give end up expanding to things 
| that are syntax errors, for example:
| \newcommand{\cvsver}{$Log$}
| expands to:
| \newcommand(\cvslog){$Log: Account-Management.lyx,v $
| \newcommand(\cvslog){Revision 1.8 2002/09/24 16:23:31  dclark
| \newcommand(\cvslog){Trying to get CVS Log tag to work
| \newcommand(\cvslog){}
| Which is why this problem seems to be somewhat difficult.

Why isn't verbatim doing what you want?


what happens if you put this in a ERT?


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