could somebody tell me why I get an error by using the second equation in the 
added lyx-file?

This is the relevant part of the lyx-file:
\layout Standard
If I take the second equation out, dvi gives no error. 
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula R=Rh/2+(ZZ-4)
\layout Standard
but with this one it gives errors
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula R=Rh/2+(ZZ-4)+K_{ab} 
I am using Lyx Version 1.3.2 Mai 2003 and Mandrake 9.2


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% gives headers for chapter* and puts  the index to toc.
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\layout Standard

If I take the second equation out, dvi gives no error.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula R=Rh/2+(ZZ-4)


\layout Standard

but with this one it gives errors
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula R=Rh/2+(ZZ-4)+K_{ab} 



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