Thanks, Steven. Do I go to the Terminal right AFTER I have produced one
of my error messages?

Here are the error messages: selecting view -> pdflatex gives "File
error. Couldn't open file. It may be corrupt or a file format Preview
does not recognize" and selecting file -> print gives "Unable to print.
Check that your parameters are correct."

I don't think I get, nor have ever gotten even before these problems,
anything at all with View > pdf. (The machine with the misbehaving LyX
is at home, not here at my office. I'll check for sure later.)

I'll try your suggestion to export as latex and run pdflatex in the terminal.


Stephen Buonopane wrote:
> >
> > Here's the problem I've been having: in any lyx file which contains (in
> > mathmode) a fraction or a sub or superscript, both View > pdflatex and
> > File > Print produce an error message. (LyX/Mac, LyX 1.3.4, Mac 10.3.4)
> > Ronald Florence has been very helpful, and he suggested that I read the
> > help files on the use of -dbg and then start lyx from the command line
> > with the appropriate debug parameter.
> >
> > But I'm a tabla rasa as far as unix is concerned. And the LyX help
> > files
> > say almost nothing about -dbg, unless I've missed a section. And what
> > is
> > the appropriate debug parameter? Can someone spell out exactly what I
> > need to do to follow Ronald's suggestion? Do I do whatever I do right
> > after I have gotten LyX to produce a print or preview error message? I
> > do at least know how to get to the Terminal on the Mac, and Ronald's
> > HOWTO LyX/Mac page says for debugging that I can start LyX from the
> > command line with /Applications/
> >
> At the terminal prompt type
> "/Applications/ -dbg"
> This will give you a list of debug options
> To see all debugging messages use
>   "/Applications/ -dbg any"
> When you perform the action that is producing the error, then you will
> hopefully see some helpful messages in the terminal window.
> I think that the dbg approach may be a bit deeper than you need.
> Some other things to try...
> 1. What is the error message you get?
> 2. Do you get the proper output when you use just View > pdf?
> 3. Export the file as latex and then run "pdflatex myfilename" in
> terminal and see if there are any errors?

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