I've discovered a new aspect of my problem. My earlier description--

in any lyx file which contains (in mathmode) a fraction or a sub or
superscript, both View > pdflatex and File > Print produce an error message

--is not quite accurate. I have lyx files (containing lots of
mathematics) that were sent to me from another lyx user and they view
and print just fine! If I insert a fraction in mathmode into one of
these files that were sent to me, it still views and prints fine, but if
I take that same fraction, copy it, and insert it into a new file, I get
error messages when I try to view or print, in fact I even get the red
ERROR box.

So, files which I created or which came with the installation (like the
help files) have this math view/print problem, but files on my machine
sent to me by another lyx user have no such problems.

What the heck is going on? Anyone have an idea?


Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> Here's the problem I've been having: in any lyx file which contains (in
> mathmode) a fraction or a sub or superscript, both View > pdflatex and
> File > Print produce an error message. (LyX/Mac, LyX 1.3.4, Mac 10.3.4)
> Ronald Florence has been very helpful, and he suggested that I read the
> help files on the use of -dbg and then start lyx from the command line
> with the appropriate debug parameter.
> But I'm a tabla rasa as far as unix is concerned. And the LyX help files
> say almost nothing about -dbg, unless I've missed a section. And what is
> the appropriate debug parameter? Can someone spell out exactly what I
> need to do to follow Ronald's suggestion? Do I do whatever I do right
> after I have gotten LyX to produce a print or preview error message? I
> do at least know how to get to the Terminal on the Mac, and Ronald's
> HOWTO LyX/Mac page says for debugging that I can start LyX from the
> command line with /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/LyX.
> Thanks,
> Bruce Pourciau

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