Stephen, you asked what happens with View > pdf. Home for lunch, where
the badly behaving LyX resides, I checked. View > pdf gives this error
message: "Cannot convert file. Error while executing dvips -t letter -o
'' 'filename.dvi' Does this mean anything to anyone?


Stephen Buonopane wrote:
> >
> > Here's the problem I've been having: in any lyx file which contains (in
> > mathmode) a fraction or a sub or superscript, both View > pdflatex and
> > File > Print produce an error message. (LyX/Mac, LyX 1.3.4, Mac 10.3.4)
> > Ronald Florence has been very helpful, and he suggested that I read the
> > help files on the use of -dbg and then start lyx from the command line
> > with the appropriate debug parameter.
> >
> > But I'm a tabla rasa as far as unix is concerned. And the LyX help
> > files
> > say almost nothing about -dbg, unless I've missed a section. And what
> > is
> > the appropriate debug parameter? Can someone spell out exactly what I
> > need to do to follow Ronald's suggestion? Do I do whatever I do right
> > after I have gotten LyX to produce a print or preview error message? I
> > do at least know how to get to the Terminal on the Mac, and Ronald's
> > HOWTO LyX/Mac page says for debugging that I can start LyX from the
> > command line with /Applications/
> >
> At the terminal prompt type
> "/Applications/ -dbg"
> This will give you a list of debug options
> To see all debugging messages use
>   "/Applications/ -dbg any"
> When you perform the action that is producing the error, then you will
> hopefully see some helpful messages in the terminal window.
> I think that the dbg approach may be a bit deeper than you need.
> Some other things to try...
> 1. What is the error message you get?
> 2. Do you get the proper output when you use just View > pdf?
> 3. Export the file as latex and then run "pdflatex myfilename" in
> terminal and see if there are any errors?

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