Roland Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the cvs version or revision tags (on the titlepage, or in the page 
> headings/footer).
> Is/how it possibe to query cvs automaticly before printing the thesis, which 
> number/tag is actual used in cvs, and insert this result into the text before 
> printing starts?

I embed Subversion keywords in my LyX documents (e.g. '$HeadURL$
$LastChangedRevision$') and this works fine.  You can use the RCS
keywords, which CVS uses to do the same thing. Try putting '$Revision$'
in your document. Look at RCS's co(1) man page for a list of

Unfortunately these (in RCS/CVS and SVN case) expand to the 
corresponding value *plus* the keyword text, i.e. not just:



which may look a bit messier than than you consider acceptable. In this
case maybe you need to 'make' a stripped version. I.e. edit mydoc.lyx,
and then use a Makefile to 'sed' this to mydoc-not-for-editing.lyx,
and then lyx --export that to a printable format.

Remember that the keyword will correspond to the last *committed*
version; edits made after checking out will not affect the version
number displayed. So always commit before printing if you want
the correct number to be embedded in the doc.



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