Herbert Voss wrote:
> > I finally repaced teTeX with TL 2004 (removed teTeX completely and
> > installed TL from the CD). Now LyX doesn't find the classes anymore.
> TL2004 is really experimental ...

I thought it'll be released soon. Anyway, I need automatic font expansion, 
therefore pdflatex 1.20a
(to be honest, I really hoped that _you_ have it running already ;-)

> > Indeed, the chklayouts file has not been build.
> >
> > Any ideas? (Could it be LyX is confused because latex (the program) has
> > been replaced by pdfetex in TL 2004?)
> no, you misunderstand something, latex called tex and pdflatex pdftex
> and now we have:
> latex -> etex
> pdflatex -> pdfetex

From the TL 2004 ChangeLogs:

"pdfetex is now the default engine for all formats except (plain) tex itself. 
(Of course it generates DVI when run as latex, etc.) This means, among other 
things, that the microtypographic features of pdftex are available in LATEX, 
ConTEXt, etc., as well as the e-TEX features (texmf-dist/doc/etex/base/). 

It also means itâs more important than ever to use the ifpdf package (works 
with both plain and LATEX) or equivalent code, because simply testing whether 
\pdfoutput or some other primitive is defined is not a reliable way to 
determine if PDF output is being generated. We made this backward compatible 
as best we could this year, but next year, \pdfoutput may be defined even 
when DVI is being written."

> You have to dig deeper here, because TeXLive 2004 chnaged some paths,
> maybe that LyX has some of them hardcoded.

Hm, I fear I have to.


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