Hi again, and thanks for all your answer.

I will try to answer to all your email.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
> > 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
> > sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
> > question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
> Alberto,
>    Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
> class for that format?

I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how to 
ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a good 
layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout" with lyx...for 
this reason i asked to this mailing-list.

> > 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
> > the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
> > bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
> > decide where the page number must be printed?
>    Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.

I will search for it. thanks

> > 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
> > As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some
> > books (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not
> > that books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy
> > the name of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
>    Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

This point is not so clear. I mean that i don't understand if i must install 
another program(s) or if it is already installed into lyx. Anyway i will 

> > 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> > images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments
> > that i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it
> > is between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element
> > after the wrapped area, but it does not work.... :( I use the wrapped
> > area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.
>    Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine
> the best placement. You can center the figure by using
> Layout->Paragraph->Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed
> beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.

I tried as you told me, but it does not work always....For the moment i has 
two images. The first is immediately followed by a different section. It that 
case the float does not appear (while the wrapped area works). In the second 
image the float works and wrapped area not. I think that i'm wrong something 
(sure with lyx works either or at least one of two ways, but i'm not able to 
use lyx as we can see)

> > Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! ...am i
> > wrong?
>    No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university
> has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX
> then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.

I will remember of this. 
> Rich

Thanks for your answer!

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put 
>> names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
>> cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line 
>break (shortcut C-Enter).
>regards Uwe

Thanks this work perfectly! 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:
>I have been using lyx since some time and at present I am writing my 
>thesis. For that I have downloaded a sketch of thesis from University of 
>Durham. If you need I can send you in email and you will have to just 
>tweak it according to your requirement as the file is really a good find.

Of course. I will appreciate that a lot. 
P.S. You can mail me at the following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
>> I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
>> mainly these problems:
>> 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
>> of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
>> seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
>IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
>(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
>I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is "book 
>(koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
>designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

Ok. I will try that too...I observed that changing from book style to some 
other "styles" i obtain some errors. I suppose that this is due to use 
different style imply use different "headers" (for section, chapter, and so 
on). So i changed the headers, but the errors remains. So to fix this problem 
i opened a new file and i copied into that new lyx file the text. Isn't it a 
way too heuristic? ..yes of course to obtain something good from anything i 
should at least know the tools...but lyx is a point&click tool.... so i think 
that user should be obtain all that they wish using the same "policy". Am i 
wrong? (probably there is the way, but i don't know it!)

>> 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
>> the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
>> bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
>> decide where the page number must be printed?
>This is a feature. There is a convention in book typography that the first 
>page of a chapter has no headers and either no page numbering at all or in 
>the footer. You can change this to whatever you need. The overall style can 
>be changed with Format->Document->Page Style. Then You can do some fine 
>tuning with LaTeX magic. Just ask!

Thanks...i found (i think) the right page style. I selected 
Layout->Document->Layout (from the left frame) and on the right frame at the 
text-area: "page style" i choosed: "playn". Now all the pages of my document 
are written at bottom. The fancy option is good too, but if i has a long 
section title then the left part (in the header) overwrites the right part. 

>> 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put
>> their names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
>> cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ....
>> (on the middle of the screen) but if i put all these lines into the author
>> field i obtain a line that is printed on a single line but it is too long
>> so it is cutted at the end of the screen.
>> But if i create more author fields i see only the last field (in the above
>> example i see only: lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Does this help?

Yes. I read it. It suggest to use C-return. Thanks.

>> 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
>> As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
>> (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
>> books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
>> of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?
>Do you use bibtex? I'd recommend that. You can use a graphical tool (e.g. 
>http://www.pybliographer.org with Linux) to edit the database. The database 
>has file has to be placed in a directory where LaTeX can find it 
>(~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bib/) or in you documents directory and then included 
>with Insert->Lists&ToC->BibTeX Reference). Then Input->Citation...
>There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an 
>Amazon.com query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

Now i'm not able to install that on my slackware box. When i will go to 
Bologna (another italian city, where i study) i will use gentoo, and i will 
install the software with that (it is easier for a beginner as me).

>> 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
>> images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
>> i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
>> between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
>> the wrapped area, but it does not work.... :(
>> I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list
>> too.
>Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

At this mailing list? I would not "spam" you. Can i send it? 
At present my document is 32kb weight.

>> Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! ...am i
>> wrong?
>This list is probably not a good place to ask that ;-)

I know it was only a provocative sentence. :)


Thanks a lot!

On Wed, 6 Jan 2005,  Georg Baum wrote:
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
>Another good tool is cb2bib: http://www.molspaces.com/cb2bib/

I will try that too.


Thanks at all for the help...
and sorry for my bad english! :)


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