On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> > Anyway, would those of you who use the LyX wiki like a section which
> > isn't related to LyX at all?  If so, we could create a separate group
> > for this, or you can create your own personal group (preferably
> > prefixed with 'Personal', as in 'PersonalAlston').

> Personally, I'd rather keep the LyX Wiki just LyX (particularly if I
> ever have to run another link check for you -- last one took long
> enough!).

In case I forgot earlier, many thanks for running the link check!

Would a completely separate wiki be an option? It's not that I want a wiki
for non-related LyX stuff, it's only that it'd be nice to be able to refer
LyX users to some place. In addition, I suspect that LyX users learning to
edit wiki pages will eventually benefit the documentation project as a
whole. A third benefit is that people more actively editing a wiki
automatically means more feedback to me about the site's usuabiliy and any
bugs - this is of course both good and bad ;-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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